Tired of losing your tools! This new tool tracking system is here to help
Being part of the service industry, a lot of technicians rely on the tools and equipment that they need to service the breakdown machines. They need to take these tools to the worksites for performing various operations and then return with these tools. Missing any tool would block the service operations and would result in revenue loss.
The problem is not limited to the service industry but is faced equally by other similar sectors. The firefighters, laborers, miners, foresters, doctors, e-commerce delivery platforms, etc. all struggle with inventory management. They all need to manage their inventories.
Sometimes the goods/ tools/ items are to be delivered to the next location and then deleted from their list. Other times they just need to be transported to the next location, worked with, and then requested back at their original location. In both events, the workers rely on some kind of equipment list, which they keep with them to cross-check the tools.
Existing system
The existing tool tracking system relies on manual inventory management. This inventory management requires the workers to verify the list of items that they are carrying.
For standardized items inventory management
If the items are standardized, then the workers use printed or electronically submitted lists where they can simply put the details. These lists can be printed and shared with all the workers who would use similar lists. The workers can simply cross-check and verify if they have collected the goods. Some advanced systems generate the lists and share them via smartphone applications. The workers can click and verify if they have the required inventory.
Non-Standardized items inventory management
Non-standardized items inventory management would mean that the items keep on changing with time and workforce. In such cases, it is not possible to generate a single list and share it with the workforce. Rather the workforce is trained to keep a piece of paper and pen. They can note which items are required and verify them. At the time of return and transport, they can cross verify the inventory. The same approach is used for cloud and IoT-based inventory management where the workers input the items on a platform and then verify their inventory at a later stage.
New System: Automatic Inventory Management
The new inventory management system relies on the embedded communication modules in the work tools/ goods/ items. Each inventory item is embedded with a communication module. It can be done by using removable trackers or fixed communication modules. These communication modules contain the identity of the tool.
Another communication module is integrated into the vehicle, toolbox, or in the worker’s mobile. This second communication module collects the data from various tools and identifies if those tools are present in proximity or not.
The second communication system is also connected with a processing system that can evaluate and analyze the signals that are captured by this communication system.
How does the system work?
When the workers start their day, they can open the toolbox or start the ignition system of their vehicle. It is considered a “day start” command and the second communication system picks the active tools that are nearby. It then identifies the position data of the system to determine if these items are within the warehouse or at a client site. It also checks the previously stored data to verify the inventory list, state of equipment, etc.
A list is generated based on the analysis. The system intelligently ignores all temporary communications received from other devices which do not have a particular identifier. The generated list is transferred to a cloud that now has the inventory list at the start of the day.
As the worker moves with the toolbox, the box identifies its state of motion and the tools that are currently going with it. Thus, the list is automatically populated for the tools that are leaving the site. This list is updated at the server and can be checked at any time.
Once the worker deboards the vehicle and uses the tools for operations. The system sits idle and saves the battery. It starts again to check the “day end” after certain conditions such as Change in location, change in wifi signals, change in tool state, detection of movement, etc.
Based on the evaluation of “day end” or “operation end”, the system tracks the tools that it has now. It then compares this list with the last saved list at the server and warns the worker if they are leaving any tool behind. The worker not only knows which tool they are missing behind, but they also know what was the last location and time the tool was in the range. Thus, they can collect the tool and avoid losing it.
Source: The article is simplified version of US Patent US11222308 and aims educate how the inventory management is revolutionizing.
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